About the Journal

About this Journal

The Journal of Computers & Signals (JCS) is an Open Access online journal that focuses on developing various aspects of vision, machine learning, image processing, and signal processing research. A wide range of computer vision & signal processing challenges is presented at JCS. It provides fast but concrete peer-reviewed, original publications of high-quality research. A comprehensive survey and review covering new insights based on in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art are welcome by JCS.

Some of the key features
1. Completely open access
2. There are no publication charges at the moment
3. Format-free submissions are acceptable, and our editing service can help you adjust your manuscript to fit the journal's format for free.
4. You can send your manuscript directly to editor@rsepress.org and our technical team can help you create an online submission profile
5. The grammatical check service is free for accepted manuscripts
6. Quick publication process

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): JCS
Published: 2020-12-11


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Journal of Computers & Signals (JCS) is an international scientific peer-reviewed open access journal of computer science and communication, including computer and network architecture and computer-human interaction as its main foci, published online by RSE Press.



Abstracting, Indexing, other related databases, catalog, reference citation, etc.

A dedicated indexing team is working to include all of our journals in reputed indexing services or journal evaluation services or catalog or reference citations, etc.  We hope scholarly communities will appreciate our efforts to maintain integrity and transparency.