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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Information for Authors 

  1. Manuscript Preparation summary
  2. Article types
  3. Title Page
  4. Structure of the Manuscript
  5. Preparing Figures, Schemes, and Tables
  6. General consideration
  7. References
  8. Publication Ethics
  9. Research Involving Human Subjects
  10. Publication Ethics Statement
  11. Reproducing Published Material from other Publishers
  12. Obtaining Permission
  13. Authorship
  14. Copyright and Licensing
  15. Submission Fee and Article Processing Fee
  16. Review Process
  17. Doi services
  18. Language Editing Services

Journal of Energy & Technology (JET)  has no restrictions on the length of manuscripts, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive. Full experimental/methodological details must be provided to reproduce the results.  It is understood that the Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Energy & Technology (JET)  should neither be published before nor be under consideration for publication in another journal. Manuscripts should be submitted through the submission system of the Journal. Please use the Cover letter & Title page and anonymous article templates available in the "Resource" menu of the homepage for preparing and submitting your manuscripts for the Journal. In case of any technical difficulty, you may submit it to editor.jet@rsepress.orgby email.

1.0. Manuscript Preparation Summary 

  • Article type: Research article, Review articles, and Case Studies.
  • Article Length: no restrictions provided that the text is concise and comprehensive.
  • Acceptable file format: All manuscripts must be prepared in MS word. The authors may use the Anonymous Article templates available in the "Resource" menu of the Journal homepage.
  • Font: Calibri for Title and Palatino Linotype for Text.
  • Font Size:22pt, Calibri, bold, for the title, 12pt Bold, Palatino Linotype, for all the headings, 12 pt Palatino Linotype for the text.
  • Line Space:5
  • Title page: Title, Author list, Affiliations, Funding, Acknowledgement. Please find the Cover letter & Title page templates available in the "Resource" menu of the journal homepage.
  • Manuscript: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature review, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Limitations, and Direction for further study, References, Appendix. 
  • Abstract: The abstract should be a total of about 250 words maximum. It should provide a brief overview of the article. 
  • Keywords: Three to six pertinent keywords need to be added after the abstract.
  • Tables and Figures: All tables and figures must be in the main text after the paragraph of its first citation.
  • Reference: For references, authors are free to follow any standard format [APA, MLA, Chicago, IEEE, Harvard, etc]. But they have to be consistent in their style and in their reference list, they must mention categorically what style they followed for reference. 
  • Cover Letter: Each submission must be accompanied by a cover letter to the editor. It must contain the statement: “The manuscript is not currently under consideration or has not been published in another journal.” You are encouraged to propose two reviewers based on their expertise in the field, along with their affiliation and valid email addresses. Please find the Cover letter and title page templates in the journal homepage's "Resource" menu.

2.0. Article Types

  • Research Articles: research manuscripts that report new evidence or new conclusions.  Journal of Energy & Technology (JET)  considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information.
  • Reviews: Review articles are intended to be topical, comprehensive summaries of the state-of-the-art in a particular aspect of Science. Review articles must be substantial, authoritative, and critical reviews of published results of high current interest on recent active topics (with key developments within the past 4 to 5 years) in any area of science. The reviews should have a high potential for a broad impact. A critical assessment and analysis of the literature should be included, rather than a simple collation of published information. The review should provide a balanced look at the field, and the work of the authors should not be overemphasized. Possible future developments, insights about remaining challenges, and future directions should also be presented and discussed.
  • Case Studies: Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) publishes field-researched cases only. For field-research cases, permissions are required from the organization, and all persons interviewed/involved.

3.0. Title Page 

These sections should appear in all manuscript types

  • Title: The title of your manuscript should be concise, specific, and relevant. It should identify if the study reports (human or animal) trial data, or is a systematic review, meta-analysis, or replication study.
  • Author List and Affiliations: Authors' full first and last names must be provided. A complete mailing address and email address should be provided. At least one author should be designated as the corresponding author.
  • Funding: All sources of funding of the study should be disclosed. Clearly indicate the name of the funding authority and the grant number of the fund that you have received in support of your research work.
  • Conflict of interest: The authors should declare a conflict of interest. The sample statement is available in the Cover letter & Title page template.
  • Acknowledgments: You can acknowledge any individual or institutional support that you have received during the course of your research.

4.0. Structure of the Manuscript

  • Research manuscripts should comprise:
    • Title page: Title, Author list, Affiliations, Funding, Acknowledgement
    • Manuscript: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature review, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (optional), Limitations, and Direction for further study.
    • References
    • Appendix
  • Review manuscripts should comprise the title page, literature review sections, and the references. Structured reviews and meta-analyses should use the same structure as research articles and ensure they conform to the PRISMA guidelines (
  • Case Studies should comprise:
    • Title page: Title, Author list, Affiliations, Declaration, Target Audience, Funding, Acknowledgement
    • Main Body: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, description, Questions.
    • References
    • Appendix
  • Abstract (For research articles): The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words and provide a brief overview of the article. 
  • Keywords: Three to ten pertinent keywords must be added after the abstract. We recommend that the keywords are specific to the article yet reasonably common within the subject discipline.
  • Introduction: The introduction should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight why it is essential. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance. As far as possible, please keep the introduction comprehensible to readers working outside the topic of the paper.
  • Literature review: The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and key publications cited. This section should include specific hypotheses being tested (if required).
  • Materials and Methods: They should be described with sufficient detail to allow others to replicate and build on published results. New methods and protocols should be described in detail while well-established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited. It must include the data collection procedure, sampling plan, and participants. The development of the data collection instrument should be explained clearly. Mention the name and version of any software used.
  • Results: Provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn.
  • Discussion: Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted from the perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible.
  • Conclusions: This section is not mandatory but can be added to the manuscript if the discussion is unusually long or complex.
  • Limitations and Direction for Further Research: Highlight the limitations of the research and provide future research directions.

5.0.Preparing Figures, Schemes, and Tables

  • Figures and schemes in common formats are accepted, however, MS Word, TIFF, JPEG, EPS, and PDF are preferred.
  • All Figures, Schemes, and Tables should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered following their number of appearances (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, Table 1, ).
  • All Figures, Schemes, and Tables should have a short explanatory title and caption.
  • The authors should use the Table option of Microsoft Word to create tables. In tables, avoid vertical lines. Please see the sample below:

Table 6: Result of the mediated model

COM=Compliance, JS=Job satisfaction, EE=Employee Engagement, VAF= Variance accounted for, Indirect effect (0.184) = a (0.513) times b (0.358), Total effect (0.341) = direct effect (c/=0.157) + indirect effect (0.184).

  • Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color (RGB at 8-bit per channel). There is no additional cost for publishing full-color graphics.

6.0. General Consideration

  • Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses the first time they appear in the abstract, main text, and in figure or table captions.
  • SI Units(International System of Units) should be used. Imperial, US customary, and other units should be converted to SI units whenever possible.
  • Equations: For equations, please use either the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType add-on. Equations should be editable by the editorial office.
  • Research Data and supplementary materials: Note that publication of your manuscript implies that you must make all materials, data, and protocols associated with the publication available to readers upon request. Please disclose at the submission stage any restrictions on the availability of materials or information on the cover page.

7.0. References

The authors must cite the relevant literature both in the text and references. The authors must cite the relevant literature both in the text and references. However, for references, authors are free to follow any standard format [APA, MLA, Chicago, IEEE, Harvard, etc]. But they have to be consistent in their style and in their reference list, they must mention categorically what style they followed for reference. 

8.0. Publication Ethics

The Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) spontaneously maintains ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Journal of Energy & Technology (JET)  takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high-quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism, data falsification, inappropriate authorship credit, and the like, do arise. Journal of Energy & Technology (JET)  takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously and our editors are advised to proceed in such cases with a zero-tolerance policy.

8.1. Research Involving Human Subjects

When reporting on research that involves human subjects, human material, human tissues, or human data, authors must declare that the investigations were carried out following the rules of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 (, revised in 2013. According to point 23 of this declaration, an approval from an ethics committee should have been obtained before undertaking the research. At a minimum, a statement including the project identification code, date of approval, and name of the ethics committee or institutional review board should be cited in the Methods Section of the article. Data relating to individual participants must be described in detail, but private information identifying participants need not be included unless the identifiable materials are of relevance to the research (for example, photographs of participants’ faces that show a particular symptom). Editors reserve the right to reject any submission that does not meet these requirements.

Example of an ethical statement: "All subjects gave their informed consent for inclusion before they participated in the study. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of XXX (Project identification code)."

Written informed consent for publication must be obtained from participating patients who can be identified (including by the patients themselves). Patients’ initials or other personal identifiers must not appear in any images. For manuscripts that include any case details, personal information, and/or images of patients, authors must obtain signed informed consent from patients (or their relatives/guardians) before submitting to the Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) . Patient details must be kept anonymous as far as possible, e.g., do not mention specific age, ethnicity, or occupation where they are not relevant to the conclusions. A Patient Consent form is available to download. A blank version of the form used to obtain permission (without the patient names or signature) must be uploaded with your submission.

Alternatively, you may provide a detailed justification of why informed consent is not necessary. For the purposes of publishing in Journal of Energy & Technology (JET), a consent, permission, or release form should include unlimited permission for publication in all formats (including print, electronic, and online), in sublicensed and reprinted versions (including translations and derived works), and in other works and products under open access license.

8.2. Publication Ethics Statement

Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) fully adheres to the Code of Conduct and the Best Practice Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The editors of this journal enforce a rigorous peer-review process together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high-quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism, data falsification, image manipulation, inappropriate authorship credit, and the like, do arise. The editors of the Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) take such publishing ethics issues very seriously and maintain a zero-tolerance policy.

Authors wishing to publish their papers in Journal of Energy & Technology (JET)  must abide by the following:

  • Any facts that might be perceived as a possible conflict of interest of the author(s) must be disclosed in the paper prior to submission.
  • Authors should accurately present their research findings and include an objective discussion of the significance of their findings.
  • Data and methods used in the research need to be presented in sufficient detail in the paper so that other researchers can replicate the work.
  • Raw data should preferably be publicly deposited by the authors before submission of their manuscript. Authors need to at least have the raw data readily available for presentation to the referees and the editors of the journal if requested. Authors need to ensure appropriate measures are taken so that raw data is retained in full for a reasonable time after publication.
  • Simultaneous submission of manuscripts to more than one journal is not accepted at all.
  • Republishing content that is not novel is not tolerated (for example, an English translation of a paper that is already published in another language will not be accepted).
  • If errors and inaccuracies are found by the authors after publication of their paper, they need to be promptly communicated to the editors of this journal so that appropriate actions can be taken.
  • Your manuscript should not contain any information that has already been published. If you include already published figures or images, please obtain the necessary permission from the copyright holder to publish under the CC-BY license. For further information, see the subsequent pages.
  • Plagiarism, data fabrication, and image manipulation are not tolerated.
    • Plagiarism is not acceptable in Journal of Energy & Technology (JET)

Plagiarism includes copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source, even from your own publications, without giving any credit to the original source.

Reuse of text that is copied from another source must be between quotes and the original source must be cited. If a study's design or the manuscript's structure or language has been inspired by previous works, these works must be explicitly cited.

If plagiarism is detected during the peer review process, the manuscript may be rejected. If plagiarism is detected after publication, we may publish a correction or retract the paper.

  • Image files must not be manipulated or adjusted in any way that could lead to misinterpretation of the information provided by the original image.

Irregular manipulation includes: 1) introduction, enhancement, moving, or removing features from the original image; 2) grouping of images that should obviously be presented separately (e.g., from different parts of the same gel, or from different gels); or 3) modifying the contrast, brightness or color balance to obscure, eliminate or enhance some information.

If irregular image manipulation is identified and confirmed during the peer review process, we may reject the manuscript. If irregular image manipulation is identified and confirmed after publication, we may correct or retract the paper.

Our in-house editors will investigate any allegations of publication misconduct and may contact the authors' institutions or funders if necessary. If evidence of misconduct is found, appropriate action will be taken to correct or retract the publication. Authors are expected to comply with the best ethical publication practices when publishing with the Journal of Energy & Technology (JET).

8.3. Reproducing Published Material from other Publishers

It is absolutely essential that authors obtain permission to reproduce any published material (figures, schemes, tables, or any extract of a text) which does not fall into the public domain, or for which they do not hold the copyright. Permission should be requested by the authors from the copyright holder (usually the Publisher, please refer to the imprint of the individual publications to identify the copyright holder).

Permission is required for:

  1. Your own works published by other Publishers and for which you did not retain copyright.
  2. Substantial extracts from anyone’s' works or a series of works.
  3. Use of Tables, Graphs, Charts, Schemes, and Artworks if they are unaltered or slightly modified.
  4. Photographs for which you do not hold the copyright.

Permission is not required for:

  1. Reconstruction of your own table with data already published elsewhere. Please notice that in this case, you must cite the source of the data in the form of either "Data from..." or "Adapted from...".
  2. Reasonably short quotes are considered fair use and therefore do not require permission.
  3. Graphs, Charts, Schemes, and Artworks that are completely redrawn by the authors and significantly changed beyond recognition do not require permission.

8.4. Obtaining Permission

In order to avoid unnecessary delays in the publication process, you should start obtaining permission as early as possible. If in any doubt about the copyright, apply for permission. Journal of Energy & Technology (JET)  cannot publish material from other publications without permission.

The copyright holder may give you instructions on the form of acknowledgment to be followed; otherwise, follow the style: "Reproduced with permission from [author], [book/journal title]; published by [publisher], [year].' at the end of the caption of the Table, Figure or Scheme.

9.0. Authorship

Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines which state that, in order to qualify for authorship of a manuscript, the following criteria should be observed:

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Those who contributed to the work but do not qualify for authorship should be listed in the acknowledgments. More detailed guidance on authorship is given by the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Any change to the author list should be approved by all authors including any who have been removed from the list. The corresponding author should act as a point of contact between the editor and the other authors and should keep co-authors informed and involve them in major decisions about the publication. We reserve the right to request confirmation that all authors meet the authorship conditions.

11.0. Submission Fee and Article Processing Fee

There is no submission or article processing fee charged by the Journal of Energy & Technology (JET).

12.0. Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) are reviewed by expert reviewers. Once the submission is done, the editor will perform the initial screening. Upon the suitability of the manuscript, it will be sent to the reviewers. It will take 15 to 30 days to receive the first decision about the manuscript. Based on the reviewers’ comments, the author will have to respond within a month. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the quality of the manuscript and to provide a recommendation to the chief editor on whether a manuscript can be accepted, requires revisions, or should be rejected. Please click here for the review form.

13.0. Language Editing Services

Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) strictly maintains a professional standard in writing and ensures that all the manuscripts have the correct language and style. The manuscripts that receive “Extensive editing of English language and style required” or “Moderate English changes required” must undergo language and style editing before they are accepted for publication.  To facilitate the authors in this regard, the Journal of Energy & Technology (JET) offers its in-house editing services at an economical cost. However, the authors are not obliged to avail of this service. They may get it done from elsewhere, should they opt for. 


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